Representation before the IRS

Submission to the IRS

The mission of Carlos A. Catarino EA is to be its main representative in resolving conflicts with the IRS in the community. The mission of Carlos A. Catarino EA is based on providing easy solutions to the financial and fiscal problems that taxpayers face with the IRS. Doing this is seen as an important step in improving people’s lives while at the same time helping people avoid penalties and fines that may be imposed by the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service and / or the Tax Department of your State may choose to review your income tax statement to verify its accuracy if it considers that part or all of your return is incorrect.

This process is generally known as a tax audit. Although many people fear audit, it does not necessarily mean that they have breached tax laws. It also does not mean that your return is incorrect. It may mean that you need an audit representation from a tax representation company with experience in the management of IRS authorities, the state and the city. Many times, a person who is subject to an audit immediately assumes that they will need a lawyer. This is not always the case; In fact, many times an AUTHORIZED AGENT is a great option for an audit representation.

Authorized agents (EA) are tax experts from the United States. EAs are the only federally licensed professionals who specialize in taxes and have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

“Authorized” means having a license to practice by the federal government, and “Agent” means a representative to appear at the taxpayer’s place in the IRS. Only registered agents, attorneys and CPAs have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. The profession of registered agent dates back to 1884 when, after questionable claims for losses in the Civil War, Congress acted to regulate the people who represented citizens in their dealings with the US Department of the Treasury. EE. UU.

Registered agents advise, represent and prepare tax returns for individuals, corporations, corporations, properties, trusts and any entity with tax declaration requirements. The experience of agents enrolled in the continuously changing tax field allows them to effectively represent taxpayers at all administrative levels within the IRS.

The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 allows professionals with federal authorization (those subject to the regulations of Circular 230 of the Department of the Treasury) a limited client privilege. This privilege allows confidentiality between the taxpayer and the enrolled agent under certain conditions. The privilege applies to situations in which the taxpayer is being represented in cases involving audits and collection matters. It does not apply to the preparation and filing of a tax return. This privilege does not apply to state tax matters, although many states have an accounting-client privilege.

Only authorized agents must demonstrate to the IRS their competence in all areas of taxation, representation and ethics before they are granted unlimited representation rights to the IRS. Unlike lawyers and CPAs, who have a State license and may or may not choose to specialize in taxes, all authorized agents specialize in taxes. Registered tax return preparers have passed a minimum proficiency test on tax forms for individuals, and have only limited representation rights.