Plan Business

Business Plan / Business Plan

A Business Plan is not just a number of written sheets and with some graphics for knowledgeable people or loan banks.
01) have the knowledge in advance of the evolution of the company.
02) Know the strengths and weaknesses of a future company.
Any person or entity that wants to create a company is essential to have a business plan of the future company before investing time and money in its creation. This will avoid mistakes and investments that will be returned wasteful expenses and losses. An existing company that begins to have some management difficulties such as finance, production, commercial or human is a requirement to have a business plan of the company. The business plan will bring you possibilities of economic and human development.
It is a guide document for the entrepreneur by means of which aspects that make up the idea or the business project are elaborated, defined and evaluated. For the same employer this serves to specify or specify your idea and also, once developed, also serves to convince in your case, new participants or investors who could participate in the business / company.
The Advantages of the Business Plan:

– The business plan shows in a document the future and most probable scenarios with all their variables, in order to facilitate a comprehensive analysis that can be presented to other parties involved in the project (investors, partners, banks, suppliers , customers).
– Allows you to imagine ideas, solutions and results, and preview how to apply them clearly.

– A business plan is very flexible and adaptable since it is done according to the time of the life of the company and the type of business that is going to be planned.

– With a business plan you make sure that your business makes financial and operational sense, before its operation.

– Through a business plan, you look for the most efficient way to carry out your project.

– Create an image that identifies the needs, as well as foresee the problems of resources and their allocation in the correct time, resulting in savings.

– Evaluate the performance of a business already in operation.

– Help to make an evaluation of your company in case of merger or sale.

– It is a guide to start an enterprise or business.

– In small and medium enterprises, the elaboration of a business plan allows to establish a considerable and necessary distance between the baseless changes (occurrences) and the business decisions based on the information and analysis.
– The process that must be followed to make a business plan varies depending on each project, person and company, but it is generally advisable to take into account the following:

– Become aware of the desire, idea of ​​the project to be carried out.

– Organize all available information to be able to translate all the aspects that affect the operation and the risks of the operation or business to be carried out. Review what is the missing information such as; marketing studies, analysis of productive and sales segments, marketing analysis…

– Evaluate if you can do it yourself, or require the participation of other people or teams (responsible for areas, lawyers, accountants, etc.).
– Numerically synthesizes all the aspects developed in the business plan. A list of all income and expenditure of funds expected to be produced by the project should be prepared and ordered in chronological order.

– The planning horizon is the period during which the project will be valid and for which the flow of funds is constructed and indicates its beginning and end.
– Recovery period (payback, paycash, payout or payoff): which indicates the time the company will take to recover the investment with the profit generated by the business (months or years).

– See the financial feasibility calculating the net results.

– It is also useful to calculate the compound repayment period in which a rate is incorporated into the cash flow that reflects the temporary differences.
A business plan with demonstrations and values ​​as close as possible to reality allows you to recognize its seriousness and a high percentage of its success.